Meeting Minutes - October 2021
Thursday October 21th,2021 7:00pm
Mission Chamber of Commerce 34033 Lougheed Hwy, Mission BC
In attendance : Jason Hughlett (President), Jason Lindh (Field VP), Naomi Hughlett (Secretary), Carrie Dunnett (Treasurer), Danielle Liefsson (Director/Field Allocator), Shannon Meindl (Director/Coaching Coordinator), Ryan Smith (Director/Equipment Manager), Brittany Mann (Director/Head of Fundraising), Jamie Hooper(Director/Field Registrar), Ryder Bremner (Director), Debbie Kobes (Box Registrar)
Regrets: Nicole Kokoska (Box VP), Stu Taylor (Director),Rachel Roberts (Director) Tej Grewal (Technical Director Field), Vicky Flury (Ref Scheduler), Amanda Wunderlick (Social Media), Nichole Lindh (Fundraising)
Call to Order @ 7:01pm
Adoption of Minutes:
1st-RS / 2nd -DL / AIF? - passed
Adoption of Agenda:
1st – SM / 2nd – RS / AIF?-passed
Correspondence: NONE
It has been an active beginning to this new term as president. Since the AGM I have attended two meetings including:
October 12, 2021 meeting with PCFLL along with Nicole K. and Jason Lindh. Thank you to Nicole for guiding Jason L and I through the meeting and understanding the process and our responsibilities.
Some notes from the meeting:
The referee allocator has been given extra funds as a bonus to entice referees and umpires to remain committed to the schedule. This includes $1000 for Referees and $500 for umpires. The travel fee has been raised to $15 with a reduced travel of 20 km. There continues to be a ref shortage. They only have about 50% of qualified refs available each weekend. Many are younger and did not get experience from last year, and only have done a few games this year.
Tiering break is scheduled for October 31. No scheduled games
Policy R.03.b will not be enforced for the remainder of 2021-22 Field season. Players may play up any tier calibre within their age division.
PCFLL approved request to allow u-15 to play for Abby u-12. It was approved 20-0. Unfortunately, it was denied by the field directorate the following afternoon.
October 16, 2021 meeting with the BCLA Annual General Meeting with Nicole Kokoska and Shannon Meindl.
Congrats to Shannon Meindl who was recognized as a Subway BCLA Spirit Champion. We are proud of Shannon’s contribution to make Mission Lacrosse club a terrific organization and a lot more fun for all. Her effort and volunteerism is greatly appreciated and we were glad to see her celebrated in this way.
The rest of the meeting mostly comprised of voting of new officials and the reading of reports.
V President Box
Met Jason H and Carrie at TD Bank to change the signing privileges.
In what feels like a Deja-vu, I have been actively looking for a place to hold Dust the Rust Off sessions for end of February and drop ins for the little ones. Unfortunately, Ag Rec is still fully booked for vaccinations by Fraser Health. This includes the barn. I asked about the Cadet Hall but I was told we are not allowed.
I have asked the Events Center in Langley. If we can, we may have to ask for a fee for use. I have been passed around to a few people but should know by mid-week next, according to the last person I spoke to.
V President Field
Attended PCFLL meeting with JH and NK
-finding, training and retaining umps for women’s especially in the U8/U12 divisions continues to be a challenge
-Learning about coaches resource groups available
-Still looking for a host for U11 and Women’s Provincials
Technical Director Field – not in attendance
Equipment Manager
Compression Shorts for goalies approved at previous meeting have been purchased and distributed.
Uniform shorts additional order has come in and has been distributed
Jerseys – we have noticed some wear and tear already but will wait until the end of season and assess how they have held up.
Still waiting on info regarding a bin for Field #6 before we purchase new nets
-DL scheduled to talk to the city re: bin, will invite equipment manager to be a part of that conversation
Note that there are some updating of standards happening for Goalie chest protectors right now with USA Lax, something to be aware of if we have any teams that want to travel to play.
Still trying to work with Mission Minor Soccer to keep field 6 lined. Have gotten a quote for Field marker ($172), and paint ($5.95 and $7.25/can) if we want to purchase in order to keep field 6 lined.
MOTION : To purchase 1 field liner, 2 cases of white paint and 1 case of coloured paint. – RS
1st – SM / 2nd – CD / AIF? – passed
Ref scheduler – not in attendance
Floor Allocator
Has been having to schedule around Refs.
Light issue has been resolved
Needs to start putting together her proposal for the city for box season
If we want to book any school gyms it needs to be booked though field/floor allocator.
Detailed Box and Field numbers/ budget presented at AGM
Brought this years field budget and distributed for us to review.
Encouraged that we are doing a great job operating in the positive
Still holding the $4500 designated for Box equipment while we assess where it will be best utilized
Oct 31 is the cut off for player movement and registration package needs to be submitted by then
-currently waiting for hard copies of signed releases from our President.
175 players registered with BCLA, 157 of those are playing in Mission
1 new U15 Women’s registration, release paperwork to be submitted, hoping to have her released to Ridge where the rest of our U15 women are playing.
Coaching Coordinator
We have 30 coaches this season. 15 have taken the course so far this fall and as a result 29/30 coaches have their coaching number.
Discussion about the new Making Ethical Decisions module that is now required and how we are going to support our coaches in completing this requirement.
Would like to re-look at our coaching selection process at a future meeting.
Social Media Head – not in attendance
Fundraising Team
Would like to use the fundraising fee included in registration to do a raffle fundraiser, giving each player/ family a free ticket and then having additional tickets available for purchase.
Fundraiser to start Nov 12 with draw being Dec 1
Needs to have CD submit application for liscence asap
MOTION – to spend $2280 on raffle items for this fundraiser as well as offer 1 field registration. – BM
AMMENDMENT – to spend $2500 on raffle items for this fundraiser as well as offer 1 field registration – JH
1st – RS / 2nd – NH / AIF? – passed
Questions: NONE
Old Business:
Glow Game – JH
Would love to see us do some sort of glow in the dark game or activity.
Will do some research and bring a proposal forward.
New Business:
Calendar – JH
Would like to create a google calendar to be used by the Exec so we can track important dates and be on the same page about what is happening and when.
Operating Policy Manual – JH
Still has yet to be voted on.
All Executive are committed to reading and reviewing the OPM this month and will come ready to discuss, amend, and approve at our next monthly meeting.
Technical Director – Box
President, Box VP and Field VP to meet with applicant and discuss plans, expectations and vision moving forward.
Decision to appoint tabled until next meeting.
Appointed positions – JH
A clear process needs to be in place regarding appointing to positions, clear expectations/job descriptions and applications.
There are some appointed positions that really should be done by a Director and all Directors should have an area of responsibility.
President will follow up with people currently in appointed positions and then we will put it out to the membership what our outstanding needs are.
Box registration- NH
Registration to open Dec 1, early bird to close Jan 31
Treasurer will bring number for reg fees to our next meeting
Communication Flowchart – JH
Tabled until our next meeting
Player Safety – JH
Would like to have Player Safety as a standing agenda item moving forward.
Community Service Project – NH
Would like to see MMLC do some sort of project, activity to give back to the community.
There seem to be a few of us that have been thing about this, we will form a committee and go from there.
Mascot naming contest – SM
We will have a mascot naming contest, each team can put forward one name, then the Executive will choose the top 3 names to be voted on via social media.
The team who put forward the winning name will win a pizza party for their team
Halloween Wednesday Practice – SM
Would like to make Wed Oct 27th Wednesday night practice a Halloween Fun Night for all teams during their regularly scheduled practice times.
Treats, pinatas, costumes and FUN!!!
MOTION – To spend $150 and put together a Halloween Fun Night for all teams. – SM
1st – NH / 2nd – BM / AIF?- passed
Awards – NH
Carried forward to future meeting
Social Media – RR
Carried forward to future meeting
Internet/email Security – JH
Need to look at updating our website security or an alternative way to having our contact information on the website.
U15 Reg/Release – JH
U15 Women’s player would like release to Ridge due to ride share needs, desire to play with other MMLC U15 players and for the future of our U15 Women’s players keeping them together to continue to learn to play as a team is in the best interest of all.
U9 Play Up – JL
There is a parent request for their U9 age player to play up to U11.
VP Field will meet and discuss with both head coaches and decide how to move forward.
If we are going to push to train more Umps we need to be able to ensure that they will actually get booked to ump games if we want them to stay with us.
President to reach out to PCFLL and relay the need to follow through with any umps we are training.
Concerns regarding sideline conduct
There have been some concerns brought forward regarding negative remarks and conversations amongst coaches and parents in one of our teams.
President, Field VP and Box VP will meet with coaches and follow up.
Meeting Dates
Would like to look at some alternate days we could have meetings as Thursdays are a scheduling conflict for many.
Next meeting: Thursday Nov 18th, 2021 @ 7:00 at the Mission Chamber of Commerce
Adjournment @ 9:45 pm