Meeting Minutes - November 2021

Thursday November 18th,2021 7:00pm

  Mission Chamber of Commerce 34033 Lougheed Hwy, Mission BC

In attendance :             Jason Hughlett (President), Jason Lindh (Field VP), Naomi Hughlett (Secretary), Danielle  Leifsson (Director/Field Allocator), Shannon Meindl (Director/Coaching Coordinator), Stu Taylor (Director), Rachel Roberts (Director),  Ryan Smith (Director/Equipment Manager), Jamie Hooper(Director/Registrar), Ryder Bremner (Director/Head Ref- Field)

Regrets:                        Nicole Kokoska (Box VP), Carrie Dunnett (Treasurer), Brittany Mann (Director/Head of Fundraising), Tej Grewal (Technical Director Field), Vicky Flury (Ref Scheduler), Amanda Wunderlick (Social Media), Debbie Kobes(Box Registrar), Damian Lund (Head Ref -Box)


1.     Call to Order@ 7:02pm

2.     Adoption of Minutes:

1st – RS / 2nd – JL / AIF? - passed

3.     Adoption of Agenda:

MOTION to amend the agenda with the addition of updated PHO and Mascot Name to New Business and adopt the amended agenda. – NH

1st – RB / 2nd – DL / AIF?-passed


4.     Correspondence:

Email from parents of U9/U12 team:  They have a donation from their workplace and would like to use it to purchase gear bags for their kids teams (2 teams).  However, the donation would only cover 1/3 of the cost.  Are requesting the club cover the remaining amount of approximately $1000


MOTION : to decline the request to cover the remaining amount of approximately $1000 towards the purchase of gear bags for 2 teams – ST

1st – JL / 2nd – SM / AIF? - passed

5.      Reports:

a)     President

It has been an eventful and busy time since the October report. Our club has responded to different changes and updates we have encountered including changing provincial health orders and the impact it directly had on the organization.

On October 26, 2021 our director, Ryan S. notified the executive of a change to the provincial healthorder requiring vaccination for all supervisors of youth sports, including outdoor sports like lacrosse. This meant an immediate update to our disease prevention plan and action to review the vaccination status of MMLC coaches, managers, officials and helpers with access to players such as time keepers and score keepers. MMLC executives worked quickly to comply with this PHO, by developing a policy and procedure for including collecting private information and interacting with our large community about this sensitive topic with compassion. I am deeply grateful that all interactions during the implementation of this policy were respectful and kind. I encourage our community to continue to seek to communicate to one another with kindness and respect with regards to our differing views and convictions.

As a result of this policy change, our club was impacted with the loss of four coaches. This was disappointing for everyone involved including the coaches, players and families. I am deeply thankful for the quick response of volunteers to step into these gaps, sacrificing their precious time to meet the needs to the players, and keep the sticks in their hands. Thank you deeply.

Other events this month included attendance of the November PCFLL meetings.

Some notes from this meeting include:

The PCFLL is creating sub-committees to review growth of the game in regards to officiating, policy and competition. They are seeking representatives from each club to take at a role in at least one


The Vancouver and North Shore Clubs initiated a motion to develop a committee to create policy focused on Diversity as a response to a disappointing public incident that occurred during a recent game between the two clubs. The two club presidents both communicated about the event with graciousness toward one another and look to lead the lacrosse community and sports community with change through education. There will be more information in following meetings about the formation of this committee and I will pass this information on to the committee to explore how we may participate in this process.

There is still a concern with having sufficient umpires and referees moving forward. Many of the younger referees are not continuing because of abuse from team personnel and spectators. There has been a coordinated effort to develop referees by providing mentorship to younger officials. A motion was completed to increase the budget to continue this important task.

In conclusion, I am very thankful for everyone support and help during the beginning of my term on the executive for MMLC. We are all a team and I look forward to supporting our club grow in providing an opportunity for players to grow in skill and character. Thank you.


b)     V President Box – not in attendance

VP report sent via email

Requests for a school gym sent to the D of M for try lacrosse sessions 5-6/7-8 age.

I’m in talks with Langley for outdoor covered box rental for dust the dust off sessions. Coquitlam will entertain the idea but gives floor time to Coquitlam users first. Would not know until 2 weeks before. 

Female reps meeting soon. John Hamilton and I have been conversing. John Hamilton is the BC female rep.

LMML meeting next week on November 23.

I will keep you aware of any breaking news or updates.



c)     V President Field

Dec 9 deadline for PCFLL Provincial Declarations

Festival/Tournament coming to Whistler – Summer 2022, should be a great tournament, if we want to send teams we will want to look to register as soon as registration is open.


d)     Technical Director Field – not in attendance

e)     Equipment Manager

Looking at some samples and designs for shorts for Box season

Bin for Field 6 – still waiting for a meeting with D of M

We are going to need some stronger long pole shafts for the older divisions

MOTION – to purchase 6 stronger D pole shafts for approx. $75/ea plus tax pending approval from the treasurer. – RS

1st – DL / 2nd – ST / AIF? – approved


f)      Head Ref

Nothing to report

g)     Ref scheduler – not in attendance

h)     Floor Allocator

Nothing to report



i)      Treasurer – not in attendance

Report sent by email:

Please see the following for my recommendation for this years fees…


After doing the calculations for this I am suggesting a 5$ increase this year and this is to cover the new cost of Team snap and anticipated floor time increase, well as possible ref fee increases. This increase will also cover any slight increases in clothing. I have excluded the mini tykes from any increase as their age group has less fees for them to cover.

This amount includes the fundraising fee and i have also put in the prices for late registration, as we did not have a late registration amount last year.






Tyke (Female)




Novice (Female)



Pee Wee

Pee Wee (Female)




Bantam (Female)




Midget (Female)



Junior (Female)


MOTION – to approve Box Registration fees as proposed by the Treasurer – NH

1st – JH / 2nd- JL / AIF? – passed


j)      Registrar

Field Registrar:

Final package for field reg submitted and approved – 156 players this season

Box Registrar: - not in attendance

Report sent by email


Mini tykes were $220 last year and are currently $180 field Early $230 field reg. Each age group is $10 more.

So we need a regular price and I think we might want to consider a late fee this year. Last year we ran into problems with players not registering until April after the teams were formed and capped. It makes it really difficult to get real numbers. Everyone that registers after April 15 is subject to a late penalty of $50. Thoughts?



A recent news report stated that 12-17 year olds will soon need to have their first covid vaccination in order to play organized sports. I'm just wondering how we will deal with this in gathering this information/storing it and what will happen to the registration fees of those who are not vaccinated? Can we state that this may be a possibility during the season and those players who are not vaccinated will not be refunded? 


We need something to state that many arenas, including ours, will require all spectators to be vaccinated if they want to watch practices or games. Parents need to understand that there will not be exceptions.  My own question what about the mini tykes? What happens with their parents?


k)     Coaching Coordinator

New coaching course dates being offered

l)      Social Media Head – not in attendance


m)   Fundraising Team

In light of recent events in BC, we would like to postpone the proposed raffle fundraiser to the new year.

We will be rolling out our Mud Dawgs give back initiative in the next few days.  As a club we are going to try and put together as many Christmas hampers as possible to donate to the Christmas Bureau

6.     Questions:

7.     Old Business:

a.     Player Safety

PCFLL has concerns regarding the physicality of the game, especially in the U13 and under divisions.  As a club we need to be educating ourselves and our coaches/players in this area.  Especially heading into Box season.

Crim Checks – would like to look into going through the Solicitor General vs RCMP and compare the processes to see which one makes the most sense for our club.  President to follow up and report back next meeting. 

b.     Technical Director

MOTION: to appoint Kyle Mooney as our Technical Director of Box. – JH

1st – RB / 2nd – SM / AIF? - passed

c.      Appointed Positions

All people currently serving in Appointed Positions have confirmed they would like to continue in their role with the following exceptions:

Coaching Coordinator

Floor Field Allocator- will continue but would like us to be actively looking for somebody to take over after this year.  If they would like to come aboard now and start learning, that would be optimal, to ensure a smooth handover when the time comes.

Technical Director – Women’s is also a position we are actively looking to see filled.


MOTION – to centralize the registrar position and have only one registrar that is responsible for both field and box seasons – DL

1st – ST / 2nd – RS / AIF? -passed


MOTION – to appoint Jamie Hooper into the role of Registrar (Field/Box) – JL

1st – DL / 2nd – RR / AIF? – passed


d.     Calendar

Has been developed, we will send it out for people to look and see how we like it, what changes may need to be made if any.


e.     Operating Policy Manual

MOTION – to hold a special meeting for the purpose of review, editing and approval of the Operating Policy Manual – RR

1st – NH / 2nd- SM / AIF? – passed


f.      Box Registration

Will move forward with Registration Opening Date of Dec 1, 2021


g.     Community Service Project

As discussed in Fundraising Report


h.     Meeting dates

After much discussion and revisiting of this topic, there really are no dates/times that will work for everybody every time.

MOTION – to keep meeting dates set for the third Thursday of the month – JH

1st – SM / 2nd – RS / AIF?- passed


8.     New Business: 

a.     Pickle Ball Courts at Outdoor Box – NK

Discussion with concerns regarding player training, confusion with lines etc.

The outdoor Box is usually used to host a memorial tournament each year

MOTION – to provide feedback to the District that MMLC is not in favor of the addition of Pickle Ball courts in the current outdoor box. – JH

1st – RS / 2nd – RB / AIF? – passed


b.     Media (Social and Traditional) – RR

There are so many opportunities to be promoting and celebrating our LAX community here in Mission and beyond.

We need to be utilizing more than just FB and IG to do this.

Having somebody able to actively oversee all areas of communication and media both social and traditional would be beneficial.


MOTION – to create a position of Director of Communication – NH

1st – RR / 2nd – SM / AIF? -passed


MOTION – to appoint Rachel Roberts into the position of Director of Communication – DL

1st – RB / 2nd – JH / AIF – passed


c.      Younger Box Division (mini minis) -DL

Do we want to offer a 10 week program to our 3 and 4 year olds this box season?

Would need to check in with BCLA to determine what is needed for insurance etc.

ST to reach out to a few of the other clubs that offer similar programs and report back.


d.     Valley Team – DL

We need to keep our kids here in Mission wanting to continue to play in Mission.  They need something to look forward to as they enter into the older divisions.

Will follow up with Box VP to see what discussions/ plans have already taken place and where we are at with this.



e.     Updated PHO -JH.

MOTION – to change our MMLC Vaccination Mandate Policy to reflect the most current changes in the PHO – that vaccination is not mandated for outdoor sports at this time. – JH

1st- NH / 2nd – RS / AIF? -passed


Field VP will reach out to all persons already affected by the previous PHO and see if they are interested in returning this season.


f.      Mud Dawg Mascot Names – SM

Top three names (Bruiser, Mutley Crue, Spike) will be voted on social media.  Team with the winning name, wins a pizza party!


9.     Next meeting:  Dec 16th @ 7:00pm

10.  Adjournment @ 9:59pm



Meeting Minutes - December 2021


Meeting Minutes - October 2021