Meeting Minutes - December 2021
Thursday December 16th,2021 7:00pm
Mission Chamber of Commerce 34033 Lougheed Hwy, Mission BC
In attendance : Jason Hughlett (President), Jason Lindh (Field VP), Nicole Kokoska (Box VP), Carrie Dunnett (Treasurer), Naomi Hughlett (Secretary), Danielle Leifsson (Director/Field Allocator), Shannon Meindl (Director/Coaching Coordinator), Stu Taylor (Director), Ryan Smith (Director/Equipment Manager), Jamie Hooper(Director/Registrar), Ryder Bremner (Director/Head Ref- Field), Tej Grewal (Technical Director – Field), Kyle Mooney (Technical Director – Box), Nichole Lindh (Fundraising)
Regrets: Brittany Mann (Director/Head of Fundraising), Vicky Flury (Ref Scheduler), Amanda Wunderlick (Social Media), Damian Lund (Head Ref -Box), Rachel Roberts (Director/ Director of Communication)
1. Call to Order@ 7:00pm
2. Adoption of Minutes:
1st – ST / 2nd – SM / AIF? - passed
3. Adoption of Agenda:
1st – SM / 2nd – NK / AIF? -passed
4. Correspondence:
5. Reports:
a) President
There was a fairly seamless return of all coaches and managers after the mandatory vax PHO was updated.
It was awesome to see the ways our club stepped up to give back to our community both in our Food Hamper Drive for the Christmas Bureau as well as numerous families that made themselves available to help with Flood Relief efforts.
Attended December PCFLL meeting.
Some notes from this meeting include:
The PCFLL is creating sub-committees to review growth of the game in regards to officiating, policy, diversity and competition. They are seeking representatives from each club to take at a role in at least one committee. If you know of somebody who may want to be a representative from our club for one of these committees, please let me know
League wide there are multiple TBR’s still outstanding. There was a new motion regarding TBR’s and cancelling of games.
There is still a concern with having sufficient umpires and referees moving forward. Many of the younger referees are not continuing because of abuse from team personnel and spectators. There has been a coordinated effort to develop referees by providing mentorship to younger officials.
b) V President Box –
Have booked Windebank Elementary for the Try it sessions Jan 27,Feb 3 and Feb 10 (mini tyke, tyke and brand new Novice)
We will be going to electronic game sheets for Box 2022 season
Still working on securing location for DTRO
c) V President Field
One of the ongoing concerns is training and retaining officials. There is a need to really look at and enforce our Parent and Coaches Code of Conduct. The PCFLL will enforce protecting referees and umpires from abuse. They have begun to hand down suspensions.
Jan 21 there will be a level 2 clinic offered
d) Women’s Rep
Nothing to report at this time
e) Technical Director – Field
Nothing to report at this time
f) Technical Director – Box
Looking at offering skills sessions, goalie clinics etc.
g) Equipment Manager
Met with DOM regarding storage at the field and nets etc. Was informed that nets are owned by MMLC and cost for repair and upkeep is on us. (NK to look for previous correspondence on this, as this information seems contradictory to what was previously communicated with us by DOM)
We have options of chaining nets up at Field 6 as well as the folding nets should be able to fit in the bin out there.
Will be using the already designated $4500 for goalie gear for box.
Will compile a list of how many jerseys needed for upcoming box season in order to have all teams in matching jerseys.
Is currently working with Extreme Threads for shorts for Box season
MOTION : to purchase 3 storage totes for storage room at $15/tote – RS
1st – ST / 2nd – JL / AIF? – passed
MOTION – to use up to $200 to purchase wagon for transporting equipment at the field. – NK
1st – CD / 2nd – NH / AIF? – passed
MOTION – for equipment manager to have $500 to be used as a discretionary fund for the purchasing of equipment- ST
1st – NK / 2nd – CD / AIF? – passed
h) Head Ref
Would like to see us continue to develop and support our younger officials and develop our own mentorship program.
i) Ref scheduler – not in attendance
j) Floor Allocator
Nothing to report
k) Treasurer
Nothing to report
l) Registrar
Currently 12 registered for Box 2022
Equipment manager to get pricing on new signage
m) Coaching Coordinator
Nothing to report
n) Social Media Head – not in attendance
o) Fundraising Team
Nothing to Report
6. Questions:
7. Old Business:
a. Player Safety
PCFLL has concerns regarding the physicality of the game, especially in the U13 and under divisions. As a club we need to be educating ourselves and our coaches/players in this area. Especially heading into Box season.
Technical Directors to work with VP’s, coaches and players to help educate, develop some set terminology to use with players. CD to create a list of terms for the women’s field teams/coaches.
b. Friday Night Field time
Tech Director Field to come up with a plan for using the 1 hour of ATF time we have available to us on Friday 5:00-6:00pm in the New Year.
c. OPPM Special Meeting Date
Will send out Doodle poll to find and set a date that works for the majority.
d. Volunteer Positions
Have been posted. Still no interest.
8. New Business:
a. Valley Attack Report
President, Field VP and Box VP met with the President and one Exec member from Valley Attack.
Valley are struggling with field registrations and have reached out to see if we could work together starting in the 2022/2023 Field Season in order to keep kids playing and to provide some stability.
They do not want to be absorbed by us but rather work together alongside us. Currently Richmond / Vancouver are doing something similar with their clubs.
We will take this next month to take a look at, discuss, and investigate what this might look like for us as a club and will revisit this again at our next meeting.
b. Valley Team – Jeff Self in attendance to speak with us (8:10 – 8:45)
Jeff described how the matriculation process from Midget to junior lacrosse works. Youth graduating from the midget program will be introduced to the junior program and be sent an email describing their options.
MOTION – to post Valley Rebels Junior Team info on our Website and Social Media for our MMLC families and players - NK
1st – JH / 2nd – CD / AIF? – passed
c. Officiating
Ideas regarding mentorship, an application/ interview process, paying ahead of time etc
CD to create something written for us to bring forward to PCFLL/LMMLC
9. Next meeting: Jan 20th @ 7:00pm
10. Adjournment @ 9:15pm