Meeting Minutes - January 2022
Thursday January 20th,2022 7:00pm
In attendance : Jason Hughlett (President), Jason Lindh (Field VP), Carrie Dunnett (Treasurer), Naomi Hughlett (Secretary), Danielle Leifsson (Director/Field Allocator), Shannon Meindl (Director/Coaching Coordinator),Stu Taylor (Director), Rachel Roberts (Director/ Director of Communication), Ryan Smith (Director/Equipment Manager), Jamie Hooper(Director/Registrar), Ryder Bremner (Director/Head Ref- Field), Tej Grewal (Technical Director – Field), Kyle Mooney (Technical Director – Box), Nichole Lindh (Fundraising) Brittany Mann (Director/Head of Fundraising), Amanda Wunderlick (Social Media),
Regrets:Nicole Kokoska (Box VP), Vicky Flury (Ref Scheduler), Damian Lund (Head Ref -Box),
1. Call to Order @7:04pm
2. Adoption of Minutes:
Typo found in minutes from last month. Please edit to say “purchase of 8 storage bins” rather than 3.
3. Adoption of Agenda:
ADD- welcome packet(RR), funds for development(KM), Valley Attack
1st-SM / 2nd – CD / AIF? - passed
4. Correspondence:
Email received from Valley attack, read by President, and will discuss in old business.
5. Reports:
a) President
PCFLL meeting attended, LMMLC meeting attended
Noted in LMMLC meeting that registration numbers are low for all clubs
Thank you to all who attended and participated in our Operating Policy and Procedure Manual meeting this last week.
Met with Director of Communications and Social Media Head to develop plans for increasing our effectiveness in using the different platforms available to us.
b) V President Box
Not in attendance.
Report Presented by ST – Try It Sessions are on hold due to current restrictions by the District of Mission
c) V President Field
Ref Shortage continues, many league games have been cancelled due to this. PCFLL is working on retention strategies. One idea for our club may be to offer some sort of incentive program for refs
Time to develop our end of season survey/feedback form. VP Field, RS and RR to action this item.
d) Women’s Rep
Not in attendance
e) Technical Director Field
Has developed some files to be sent out to coaches and used in coaches handbooks with terminology that should be used throughout all teams.
f) Technical Director Box
Starting to take a look through the coaching applications that are coming in
Working on lining up some Goalie clinics
g) Equipment Manager
Cat 3 uppers needed
Has sorted through box jerseys to inventory exactly how many sets needed to ensure all teams have the same uniforms moving forward. Price point is $60/player jersey and $70/goalie jersey. Each team would need 25 player jerseys (30 for mini tyke) and 2 goalie jerseys.
MOTION: To purchase the 130 player jerseys and 10 goalie jerseys needed -RS
1st – NH / 2nd – JL – Discussion
MOTION AMMENDED: To purchase the 155 player jerseys and 12 goalie jerseys needed to suit up 6 teams at the price point of $60/player jersey and $70/goalie jersey. – ST
1st – RB / 2nd – CD/ AIF – passed
Box shorts sample being made up and should have some templates to send out for review this week.
Nets for field #6- there is still a question as to who is responsible for care and upkeep. RS continuing to work with the DOM to find a solution on this.
Our ATF nets are still not fixed. We will wait until end of the season to see what funds may be available for this.
Has not been able to get a quote for signage yet.
We will also need 3 sets of white pinnies for box – cost $20/ea. This item tabled for one month to allow Treasurer to review budget before we proceed.
Gloves for goalies for box – tabled until we have a better idea of actual needs closer to season start.
h) Head Ref
Positive note that this is the best season he has seen so far in regards to the way refs are being treated.
i) Ref scheduler
Not in attendance
j) Floor/Field Allocator
No report
k) Treasurer
No report
l) Registrar
Current Box Registration Numbers:
Total 81 (Mini Tyke-6, Tyke-15, Tyke Female-1, Novice-11, Novice Female-3, Peewee-19, Peewee Female-4, Bantam-6, Bantam Female-4, U16-5, U16 Female-2, Junior Female-3)
Still having some issues with Registration Site. Apparently this is an issue that many clubs are having, and some have had for years.
m) Coaching Coordinator
4 coaching applications received so far
n) Director of Communications
Would like to use a service such as Mail Chimp to really streamline our communications to the membership.
Would like to develop a welcome package for all families. Will work on putting this together to have it ready for Box.
o) Fundraising Team
Working on an end of season plan
6. Questions:
7. Old Business:
a. Player Safety
Knee/joint injury is the number one injury in lacrosse. We need to be encouraging coaches to continue to make proper stretching and warmup/cool down a regular part of every practice and game.
b. Volunteer Positions
1 name has come forward for the Coaching Coordinator Position (Katie McGuire)
MOTION: To appoint Katie McGuire as Coaching Coordinator – SM
1st – ST / 2nd – JL / AIF? – passed
Met Monday to work through it, change, review, edit. Updated copy was sent out to Executive for Review.
MOTION: To implement current Operating Policy and Procedure Manual – JH
1st – NH/ 2nd – JL / AIF? – passed
d. Valley Attack
Have sent an email and would like to meet in person to discuss further. President will reply to their email on behalf of our executive and we will move forward with setting up a meeting.
8. New Business:
a. Awards
We would like to do awards this season, current restrictions prevent us from having one large awards ceremony. Teams will have to do individual team awards presentations.
CD to compose and email to be sent to the team managers giving further direction in this.
MOTION – to create a Spencer Hudson Field Goalie Memorial Award to be awarded at the end of each field season to the most deserving goalie. – JH
1st – NH / 2nd – ST/ AIF? – passed
b. Spending of Funds
MOTION : That up to $150 in discretionary funds for use of the club, may be approved by Treasurer and 1 of either the President, Box VP, Field VP – JH
1st – CD / 2nd- SM / AIF? – passed
c. Coach Selection Process
Will be done as per OPPM.
Technical Director and VP will work together in this bringing in other members of the executive to help as needed.
d. Try It Sessions
On hold
e. Rust Offs
Box VP not in attendance to report
f. Coaches Shirts
Not in current budget, but our Treasurer will review and see what if any funds are available and will report back at next meeting.
g. Welcome Packet
Discussed in Director of Communications report.
h. Funds for Development
Tabled until next meeting
9. Next meeting: February 17th, 2022 @ 7:00pm
10. Adjournment @ 9:24pm