Meeting Minutes - February 2022

Thursday February 17th,2022 7:00pm

At Mission Chamber of Commerce 

In attendance : ​Jason Hughlett (President), Jason Lindh (Field VP), Nicole Kokoska (Box VP), Carrie Dunnett (Treasurer), Naomi Hughlett (Secretary), Danielle Leifsson (Director/Field Allocator), Shannon Meindl (Director/Coaching Coordinator), Stu Taylor (Director),), Ryan Smith (Director/Equipment Manager), Jamie Hooper(Director/RegistrarTej Grewal (Technical Director – Field), Nichole Lindh (Fundraising) Brittany Mann (Director/Head of FundraisingVicky Flury (Ref Scheduler), Katie McGuire (Coaching Coordinator)

Regrets:​Rachel Roberts (Director/ Director of Communication), ), Ryder Bremner (Director/Head Ref- Field), Damian Lund (Head Ref -Box), Amanda Wunderlick (Social Media), ), Kyle Mooney (Technical Director – Box)


1. Call to Order @7:01pm

2. Adoption of Minutes:

1st – SM / 2nd- ST / AIF? - passed

3. Adoption of Agenda:

ADD to new business- Email, Reports

1st-SM / 2nd – CD / AIF? - passed

4. Correspondence:

5. Reports:

a) President

February saw the conclusion of the field season for several of our teams. Others are navigating an extended season with delayed provincials into later March. We are thankful for an opportunity to participate in sports tournaments, but the delay is not preferrable for many. 

The latest PHO has not changed for indoor ice arenas regarding vaccine mandates and masks. This is a contentious issue still that requires navigation with care. I have received two emails from parents are concerned they will not be allowed entrance to the leisure center to support their young tyke aged children. Thankfully both parents have still registered their children. 

I’ve been involved in a committee that is reviewing PCFLL policy. It is very interesting and a great opportunity to learn from experienced reps from other clubs. 

We are very happy to welcome Katie McGuire as the new coaching coordinator for MMLC. We look forward to working alongside her!

I attended the Feb 15, 2022 LMMLC via zoom. I don’t want to take away from the report for the Box VP. Important items that I have noted from the meeting are:

- Box season starts April 11, 2022

- the hard work many on the committee have worked toward electronic game sheets and a website to post current scores and standings.

- There was a recommendation to be recruiting referees

- Coach and ref clinics are posted. Registration is not open yet. Even if the course is full, try to reach out anyway to sign up, they sometimes add extra people in the class.

- Releases should be emailed to Pam, CC’d to Sandra (on fillable forms)



b) V President Box

Interim  Report sent via email – no new report to give

c) V President Field

Attended PCFLL meeting this month

We are fortunate they are not cancelling provincials

Discussion at PCFLL meeting regarding some changes they are looking at for Womens Field next season ( having a goalie at U8 level, and increasing game length)

PCFLL AGM is Apr 26,2022 – all are welcome to attend


d) Women’s Rep

No report given


e) Technical Director Field

Will be working alongside Technical Director Box to continue working with coaches, providing clinics, and helping to develop some consistent coaching strategies and language to use within our club


f) Technical Director Box

Not in attendance


g) Equipment Manager

Jersey’s have been ordered

Equipment Return being organized to collect field equipment now that most teams are done for the season.

The city has come out to fix the frame on the nets, but has asked us to order the netting that needs to be replaced.  This has been ordered.

h) Head Ref – BOX – Not in attendance, report sent via email

As we return to normal operation of our sport we face a significant refereeing issue due to Covid and last years decision by the bcla to exclude entry level refs from participating in last years shortened season. There’s a big development gap combined with significant loss of experienced referees, on the plus side we have a healthy interest in reffing from our young people and one parent as well.

I’ve been hearing that there is interest amongst the exec to allow every kid that applies be allowed to ref. While that sounds wonderful it would hamper our efforts to make our ref squad whole again. There’s a limited amount of games to ref and a scary lack of experience to ref them with. Our ability to provide a safe and organized game will be compromised for the first half of the season. For this reason we need to keep the group smaller so that the young refs can achieve competency as quickly as possible. During better times MMLC would accept 2-3 new refs per season, this year that number will be higher.

We will do our best to match experience with our entry level refs as much as possible during the first part of the season. As our new refs gain confidence it will be a huge asset to them if there’s a senior ref available at games for them to talk to during breaks or if there’s a major problem and for that reason I’d like to ask the executive to incentivize our senior refs to be scheduled to attend games and be that mentor. My services are free but time most likely won’t be on my side, to have our younger senior refs support the entry levels would help guide us through the growing pains. I’d recommend no less than 20 per game but that’s up to the executive. This will be a limited time requirement.

I have contacted our social media head in the hopes that a social media post may help bring back some of our experienced refs from the past but haven’t seen it yet, could we get that up soon?

I would like it made known to our coaches exactly the situation that we are in with our refs. They will need to exercise a level of patience that will be higher than ever before. Abuse of our officials can notbe tolerated. I’ll be instructing them on how to deal with troublesome coaches but I need the executive to come down on any that are getting out of hand. It’s not easy for a young person to separate themselves from their age vs the age of the adult that’s yelling at them and just be the rules.


We have 6 Level 2, 2 Level 1 and 8 Entry Level Refs this season


Discussion regarding a shadow program.  May be a good way for these refs to gain more experience

It is possible the LMMLC will be looking to fund incentivizing mentors


i) Ref scheduler

Working alongside our Head Ref to get things organized and ready for upcoming Box Season


j) Floor/Field Allocator

No report 


k) Treasurer

Budget for Box 2022 passed out to be reviewed and discussed

She will be sending out an updated Budget

Note that the funds are there for an incentive program for our Ref Mentors if needed


l) Registrar

Current Box Registration Numbers:

Total 181 (Mini Tyke-16, Tyke-29, Tyke Female-1, Novice-26, Novice Female-7, Peewee-36, Peewee Female-10, Bantam-28, Bantam Female-7 U16-16, U16 Female-4, Junior Female-3)


We have one release request that will need to be discussed and registration numbers to be reviewed before declarations at a special meeting Mar 3rd, 2022


m) Coaching Coordinator

Coaching applications received:

Mini Tyke – 3, Tyke – 3, Novice – 3, Peewee – 5, Bantam – 2, Midget – 3, Pewee Female – 1, Bantam Female - 2


n) Director of Communications

Not in attendance – no report sent

o) Fundraising Team

Has signed us up for the Growing Smiles Fundraiser in May


6. Questions:

7. Old Business:

a. Valley Rebels

No need to discuss at this time

8. New Business:

a. Team Photos

Box VP to reach out to photographer to see if there are some better fonts and features available for this years photos




b. Criminal Record Checks

We have developed a way to store and keep accurate record of CRC’s as they come in.  Coaching Coordinator will send out an email to coaches that we do not have a CRC on file for as their applications come in.

We will need to do the same for managers, executive and other volunteers.

c. Abbotsford/Mission Partnership

ST and RB to develop survey questions and submit them to the secretary by Saturday.  President will launch survey, and then we will send out email to families to let them know of the survey as well as post to social media.

Survey will run until our March 3 meeting where we will review and discuss results.

d. Community Participaction Challenge

Could be a good opportunity.  TG and KM to come up with a plan and submit application.

e. Awards

Nominations have come in, President to review and select with the help of a small selection committee from the executive

f. Releases

Already discussed during registrar report

g. Reports

In an effort to increase efficiency in our meetings we would like to trial having people submit their reports ahead of time.

We can create a google doc file that people can upload to and then others can access to review.

h. Emails

President discussed trying to ensure that as much as possible we try to discuss large topics at a meeting to allow for more complete communication amongst executive members.  If something comes up that requires attention before the next scheduled meeting, we may need to call a meeting to address it.


9. Next meeting: ​March 3rd , 2022 @ 7:00pm (Special Meeting)

March 17th, 2022 @ 7:00pm (Regular Monthly Meeting)


10. Adjournment @ 9:17pm



Meeting Minutes - March 2022


Meeting Minutes - January 2022