Meeting Minutes - March 2022
Thursday March 17thth,2022 7:00pm
At the Mission Chamber of Commerce
34033 Lougheed Hwy, Mission BC
In attendance : Jason Hughlett (President), Jason Lindh (Field VP), Nicole Kokoska (Box VP), Carrie Dunnett (Treasurer), Naomi Hughlett (Secretary),), Shannon Meindl (Director), Ryan Smith (Director/Equipment Manager), Ryder Bremner (Director/Head Ref- Field), ), Stu Taylor (Director) Jamie Hooper(Director/Registrar) Kyle Mooney (Technical Director – Box), Brittany Mann (Director), Vicky Flury (Ref Allocator), Amanda Wunderlick (Social Media) Katie Cochrane (member), Gavan Sand (Cedar Kings), Brenton Graham (coach)
Regrets: Rachel Roberts (Director/ Director of Communication), Danielle Leifsson (Director/Field Allocator, Tej Grewal (Technical Director – Field), Damian Lund (Head Ref Box)
1. Call to Order @ 7:01 pm
2. Adoption of Minutes from Feb 2022 Monthly Meeting
1st – RS / 2nd -JL / AIF? -passed
3. Adoption of Minutes from March 3 Special Meeting
1st – JH / 2nd – SM / AIF? - passed
4. Adoption of Agenda:
AW would like to add “monthly meeting attendance”
1st ST/ 2nd – CD/ AIF? – passed
5. Correspondence:
Email received – will be addressed at the end of meeting with voting Executive Members only
6. Guest in attendance from Cedar Kings
Request to use our Mission Logo as well as possible weekend floor time once in June for an event.
MOTION – to allow Cedar Kings use of our Logo as well as to cross promote their event in June-ST
1st-CD/2nd – NK/ AIF?- passed
7. Reports:
a) President
· Thankful to the volunteers who helped arrange and direct the women’s a Tyke and mini-tyke lacrosse drop-in nights.
· Nothing to report from the PCFLL meeting
· LMMLC meet happened on March 15th. Many teams are struggling to declare teams. There is a strong push between associations to merge teams. Not sure if we will received releases from other associations.
b) V President Box
Try Lacrosse Gym Nights
· 10-12 new registrations. Feedback was great.
Evaluations/ DTRO
· Outdoor Box is still our only
· Emails have gone out for Wednesday and Thursday 5:00-6:00 /6:00-7:00 both evenings. Novice has both 5:00 slots, Wednesday is peewee at 6 and Thursday has bantam at 6.
Evaluator Selections
· Kyle Mooney, Imat Grewal, Tej Grewal, Ryder Bremner and Nathan.
· We need a budget for Kyle Mooney for reward/ thank yous to non MMLC volunteers. I ask $200.00 minimum
· Mentors will come to Mission for camps this season. Our TDs are planning things to do.
· Kyle to facilitate at least 2 goalie development sessions. One for younger divisions, 1 for 14U and 16U.
· We need to welcome and encourage our alumni to volunteer upon return from post-secondary school whether they referee, coach, or play.
Coaching Selection Committee
· Coaching Selection Committee consists of 3 people. Kyle Mooney, Ryder Bremner and Myself.
· “A” team coaches picked. Assistants and B/C team coaches awaiting evaluations. 16U A2- Kyle Mooney, Bantam A2- Brent Graham, Peewee A2- Tej Grewal, Novice A2- Pam Sutherland.
Team Practices
· Will start after spring break in the box until north arena is ready. Weather and Daylight permitting.
Alumni Game
· I am planning, currently, for an Alumni game, later in the season. Paid entry, perhaps with food donations is free, 50/50 tickets. We will need a singer for the anthem, etc. David Wallace? Skills competition pre-game.
c) V President Field
Field wrapping up with U11 Provincials this weekend.
d) Women’s Rep
Excited to be declaring 4 female teams for Box
There are lots of other female teams out there, we are hoping to get some releases, although Chilliwack is planning on doing only “in house” play for their female players
e) Technical Director Field – Not in Attendance
f) Technical Director Box
Looking forward to the season, will be running goalie clinics and other clinics,
Would like a budget to be able to use for bringing in Mentors. Treasurer will take a look at the budget this month and come back to us with numbers next meeting.
g) Equipment Manager
-New box jerseys have been ordered. Was told by supplier they will arrive before start of season April 11
-Sent email to President, both VP's, Treasurer and registrar recommending amounts and sizing for shorts to order. At that time we required 196 pairs from YXS - Adult XXL. Recommended ordering 275 to insure we would have enough in all sizes. Received no feedback so have ordered what was recommended to insure they will be here for the seasons start.
-Ball bags have been ordered. Unfortunately due to shipping overseas, they will not be here for the start of the season but will be here shortly after and will be distributed then.
-White pinnies will be ordered this week. Just confirming sizes to order
-Previous seasons budget for equipment has been spent purchasing new equipment
-Needed to purchase a few large goalie bags and some Jr size suspenders for goalie pants. Still need to order 1 set of Cat 1 medium uppers for 3rd MT team. Used $284.34 of the $500.00 discretionary amount.
Motion to reset the $500 amount for box season and order 1 more set of uppers for $259.00 + tax – RS
Motion tabled while Treasurer reviews finances
-Have returned all but 2 teams of equipment from field. Will arrange return after this weekends Provincials
Still have not had any gear back from one goalie from last years box season
-Will be handing out balls and gear to coaches in the next week or 2
h) Head Ref – Not in Attendance
i) Ref scheduler
5 have completed course, 5 more booked. 3 entry level this year.
Possible Zoom clinic to be offered.
Need to develop an more clear application process and continue to develop our “shadow ref” program to encourage those interested in becoming refs.
j) Floor/Field Allocator – Not in attendance, report sent and read.
I’d like to ask that we adopt a two week minimum notification for floortime cancellations. Pre-covid I had been reaching out to other associations on how they curb short notice cancellations.
Maple Ridge and Coquitlam both have a two week minimum notification cancellation and if the teams do not cancel prior to the two weeks, they pay for the floor time. I don’t see that this should be an issue because the schedule is sent out at the beginning of the season so it’s not like a weekly notification of when practices will be. Secondly all teams have assistant coaches and they should be permitted to run practices in the absence of the head coach regardless if the head coach says they don’t want them running practices. Most teams have assistants that are more than capable to run a practice without the head coach of the team there
With a two week minimum, this will hopefully stop short notice cancellations because of bbqs, birthday parties etc, it will put the onus on the team management to think ahead.
With two weeks notice it also allows time for the allocator to fill the vacated floortime, which we need to keep full as much as we can.
The requirements we put in place last year were really helpful but floortime was still left vacant at times due to short notice. Last year players/parents were around more because our world was on lockdown. With it opening up there are likely to be more options /outings etc and we need to protect our floortime.
So I propose we add the two week minimum notification to work in conjunction with the floortime fees
-$100 collected from each team and held
-$50 first time short notice
-$50 second short notice
-3rd time possible suspension of the next floortime practice
Of course, there will be times that this can possibly not be met (tournament notification that the team is in with less than 2 weeks notice, the team has a covid outbreak etc), this is not meant to address the one off anomalies that can’t be helped. The same will also remain that teams cannot “swap or trade” floortime, this just starts to turn into a logistical nightmare for the allocator and making sure all the allocation requirements are met.
I would like to be able to write this up and put it all in the managers handbook for the beginning of the season which is why I am not waiting until the next meeting when I can attend to bring it forward.
MOTION – that a 2 week minimum cancellation time frame be in place for our already existing floor time cancellation policy. – JH on behalf of DL
1st – NH / 2nd- BM / AIF? – passed
MOTION – to allot both U16 and Bantam A2 one 1.5 hour indoor floor time slot per week. – NK
1st – CD / 2nd – ST/ AIF? - passed
k) Treasurer
Currently working on our final number for field budget this year, and will have them ready for review next meeting.
We have approx. $1200 remaining from our field gaming grant money that needs to be spent.
MOTION – to use remaining gaming grant funds as a prepayment for female field jerseys to be ordered for next season – CD
1st – NH/ 2nd – JL / AIF? - passed
l) Registrar
Total 216 (plus one release)
Released 1 Released to us – none so far
Mini 20 Novice F 13
Tyke 34 Peewee F 16 (1 play down request, will play Novice)
Novice 27 Bantam F 11
Peewee 38 Junior F 12 (6 midget playing up/ 6 Junior)
Bantam 29
U16 16
m) Coaching Coordinator
Mini 4 (1Head/2 Teams) Novice F 3 (1 Head / 1 Team)
Tyke 3 (1 Head/3 Teams) Peewee F 2 (1 Head/ 1 Team)
Novice 6 (1 Head /2 Teams) Bantam F 2 (1 Head / 1 Team)
Peewee 9 (2 Head / 2 Teams) Junior F 0 (1 Team)
Bantam 6 (3 Head / 2 Teams)
U16 2 (1 Head/1 Team)
2 registered of 5 that need level 1 / 10 need level 2
Waiting to hear back from Dave Showers about hosting our own level 2 clinic here in Mission as we have so many that need level 2. Dave said they are assessing availability of people to run the clinc and then he will let Katie know.
It is not a sure thing that we will be able to host, so should we start registering people before spots start filling up? - yes
n) Director of Communications – Not in Attendance
o) Fundraising Team
Will be doing Growing Smiles and KK fundraiser April 30th
Talk of bringing back the Burger and Brew
Alumni Game
8. Questions:
9. Old Business:
10. New Business:
a. Changeroom Etiquette – NK
Will be discussed along with Correspondence.
b. Floortime Penalties – DL
Discussed in Floor Allocator Report
c. What can be discussed at special meeting – ST
Reminder that only the intended topics for which the meeting is called are to be discussed during a special meeting, as per Roberts Rules.
d. use of our Technical Directors/ in house clinics – NK
Discussed in Tech director and Box VP reports
e. budget for Mentors – NK
Discussed in Tech director report
f. Coaches Shirts – RS
Pricing between $35-$47 per shirt. We will need approximately 60-70 shirts
Treasurer to review budget and let us know what is doable.
g. Monthly Meeting attendance- AW
Can we start promoting our monthly meeting on Social media to encourage member involvement.? – Yes 😊
Non Voting Members Excused from the meeting at this time.
11. Discussion / Review of Correspondence Sent
Email read and discussed.
President to report back to the member who sent the email with results of this discussion
12. Next meeting: April 14 @ 7:00pm at the Mission Chamber of Commerce (tentative)
13. Adjournment @ 9:20pm