Meeting Minutes - April 2022
Thursday April 14th, 2022 7:00pm
At the Mission Chamber of Commerce
34033 Lougheed Hwy, Mission BC
In attendance : Jason Hughlett (President), Jason Lindh (Field VP), Nicole Kokoska (Box VP), Carrie Dunnett (Treasurer), Naomi Hughlett (Secretary),), Shannon Meindl (Director), Ryan Smith (Director/Equipment Manager, Stu Taylor (Director) Jamie Hooper(Director/Registrar) Danielle Leifsson (Director/Field Allocator), Brittany Mann (Director), Whitney Dzamka (Member)
Regrets: Rachel Roberts (Director/ Director of Communication), , Tej Grewal (Technical Director – Field), Damian Lund (Head Ref Box), Ryder Bremner (Director/Head Ref- Field), Vicky Flury (Ref Allocator), Amanda Wunderlick (Social Media) Kyle Mooney (Technical Director – Box)
1. Call to Order @ 7:02pm
2. Adoption of Minutes from March Monthly Meeting
1st – JL / 2nd – SM / AIF- Passed
3. Adoption of Minutes from April 2 Closed Meeting
1st – SM / 2nd – JL / AIF? -passed
4. Adoption of Agenda:
MOTION – to change order of a Agenda for tonights meeting only, and move new business to be addressed before reports. – ST
1st – SM/ 2nd – JL/ AIF? - passed
5. Correspondence: NONE
6. Reports:
a) President
This has been a busy and challenging month as we gear up to start Box Season. I am very appreciative for the hard work from everyone to get started. It truly amazing to see the volunteer workforce mobilize to get the different teams started and playing. From the registrar pouring over numbers, the enormous effort of the floor allocator, to the unsung efforts of the coaching coordinator, technical director and secretary spending their spare evening time and early mornings double checking spread sheets and email threads. I do not want to leave anyone out. Everyone has been amazing in their role this year. Ryan (equipment manager) and Nicole (VP of box) have put in tireless time and effort in so many small details. Thank you! Just reviewing the emails and the meetings, it has been incredible to see and we are all very thankful. A special thanks also to the unseen team of volunteers, board members and parents that have worked hard to continue to recruit and register more players so that teams can have sustainable rosters for the season. This has included the need to look out for more coaches and team managers. We are fortunate that many are stepping into these roles. Let’s maintain diligence to make sure they have the necessary welcome, training, qualifications, and support as the season begins and continues. During this, it has been a difficult month in navigating interpersonal struggles and emerging issues with personalities and team dynamics. Thank you to the board for the extra effort and wise counsel and we try to maintain a strong value for fairness and good faith in managing these. I attended the BCLA Field Directorate meeting on Saturday, April 9. Much of the meeting was spent updating operating policy. New policy was developed to give guidance on the combining of associations. The new policy was adopted by a small margin. We held a mandatory coach meeting on April 10, 2022 that received a good turnout. The theme of the meeting was a reminder and discussion regarding the coach’s code of conduct. The technical director for box also discussed his philosophy of support to the coaches. I am continually impressed with the amount of work that everyone in the organization contributes. There are not enough thanks, but our reward is to pass on a healthy association to future generations and that our kids will have a lot of terrific memories regarding lacrosse in their youth.
b) V President Box
● Bantam still evaluating.
● Budget for Kyle. “Schmooze Fund’
● Kyle to facilitate at least 2 goalie development sessions. One for younger divisions, 1 for 14U and 16U. No dates yet.
● We need to welcome and encourage our alumni to volunteer upon return from post-secondary school whether they referee, coach, or play.
● Coaches have finally been secured. Parents have stepped up as Assistant Coaches and Managers.
Team Games
● The first week of regular season games is under way. There have been many TBRs. The automatic populated did not work well and it ended up causing mayhem. Dee has been working her magic. Managers and Coaches need to remember that this task is not an easy one.She works very hard all season.
● There needs to be widespread training on the time clock and electronic gamesheets. Junior A Game
● April 22, 2022, Coquitam Adancs are playing New Westminster Salmonbellies here in Mission.This is a fundraiser for us and the Mikey & Scotty Memorial Game. Both Scotty and Mikey's families will attend.
● Paid entry, perhaps with food donations is free, 50/50 tickets. Red’s grill will have hotdog specials benefitting us. I have secured a singer for the anthem, etc. Skills competition pre-game outside? Radar gun?
● Any help with this event would be appreciated.
LMMLC Meeting Updates
● Tyke option X rules brought in in 2020 are not popular this season. It basically gives mini tyke a 4 year division. Many clubs are staying in house, playing 5v5. Associations like Surrey are writing to BCLA in objection to the rules. Some teams believe that anyone can ref these games. They still need officials.
● Officials clinic to be held by zoom to get the college and university students trained before arriving back to our communities to ref.
● The game officials allocator spreadsheet is not being used properly. Allocators are using officials from other communities unnecessarily.
● Tiering break May 2 to 8 – except for Female ,16U, Pewee and Novice. These divisions do not have enough teams to tier.
● The Female Island schedule was sent to the Female Rep at LMMLC. In most divisions it will be a volunteer ask first. There are not many dates available and some are during tournaments.
● The lacrosse community needs to be reaching out to parents and asking for patience and grace at games as the officials pool has shrunk by 30%.
● Sean Reid from Surrey is asking BCLA to start advertising on local TV networks. He is also wanting BCLA to unify the registration structure. Examples are Early Bird runs from December 15 to January 15. Regular Season, January 16-March 1, Late fees start on March 2 to May 14. The rationale for this is that it will bring earlier registrations.
● BC Summer Games is still looking for a zone coach and officials Player applications are on the BCLA website.
c) V President Field
No report given
d) Women’s Rep
No report given
e) Technical Director Field – Not in attendance
f) Technical Director Box – Not in attendance
g) Equipment Manager
No report given
h) Head Ref – Not in attendance
i) Ref scheduler – Not in attendance (report sent)
Have created a spreadsheet, and things are going well so far with season start
j) Floor/Field Allocator
No report given
k) Treasurer
MOTION- to provide our Technical Director of Box with a $1000 discretionary fund for Mentorship. – CD
1st – NK / 2nd – ST / AIF? - passed
l) Registrar
Total Numbers for each division:
Mini-Tyke – 22 Waitlisted 11/11
Tyke – 36 18/18
Novice – 29 15/14
Novice Female – 13
Peewee – 40, 2 waitlisted 20/20
Peewee Female – 19
Bantam – 32 18/16
Bantam Female – 16
U16 – 20
Junior – 14
Total: 242 (1 release)
Bantam teams
- Evaluations should now be completed. Need to make a decision on numbers and have players placed on appropriate teams asap.
- Decided that if there is an even number of Bantam players, they will be divided equally between A2 and C teams, if there is an odd number of players then A2 will have the one additional player.
Peewee waitlists
2 currently waitlisted.
We will ask the player with the 2010 birthdate if they are willing to play up to Bantam C or would like to be released.
We will ask the player with the 2011 birthdate if they would like to apply to play down to Novice C or if they would like to be released.
m) Coaching Coordinator – not in attendance (report sent)
All teams have coaches! All level 1 coaches are registered for their course or have completed their course (following up with one bantam coach). We are currently waiting for more level 2 courses to be offered. No information yet on when or if Mission will have an opportunity to host a clinic (they are struggling to get trainers for the level 2 courses). We still have coaches without CRC. Most are new applicants.
n) Director of Communications – Not in attendance
o) Fundraising Team
Growing Smiles Fundraiser to run now through April 21. Will send secretary the details to be sent out in an email to families asap.
7. Questions:
8. Old Business:
a) MMLC/Valley Attack Field Partnership Update
Letter of intent send in to PCFLL for review.
9. New Business:
a. Electronic Score Keeping -CD
Continue to also use paper copies
We will need more paper Game sheets
b. Fundraiser -CD
Vintage Jersey fundraiser idea
c. Social Media approval of posts – DL
We need to be more hands on with monitoring what is approved for posting and who is posting.
d. Jr A Game – NK
$10 tickets, kids free. Bring a food bank donation.
Need to ensure we have the senior nets – We do
e. Budget – CD
Review of Financials Field 2021/2022 and Proposed Budgets for Box 2022, Field 2022/2023 and Box 2023
MOTION – to accept proposed Budget – CD
1st- ST / 2nd – JH / AIF?-passed
Some ideas/needs for upcoming field season : field nets, branded tents, female field jerseys, permanent signage for field.
f. Bantam F parent
Brought forward concerns regarding coaching staff changes on Bantam Female
MMLC executive explained the reasoning for decision made.
g. Meeting Start Times – JH
Can we try starting our meeting at 6:30 instead of 7:00 next month? – YES
h. Team Snap Privacy – JH
We will send a reminder out to managers/coaches to share with their teams reminding them that the parent can control what personal information is put out there about their player on team snap.
i. Shadow Ref Program
President has talked to Head Ref regarding shadow ref program. He is open to having one, but details, expectations etc will need to be ironed out.
10. Next meeting: Thursday May 19th, 2022 @ 6:30
11. Adjournment @ 9:15