Meeting Minutes – September 2021
Thursday September 16th, 2021
7:30 pm at Mission Chamber of Commerce 34033 Lougheed Hwy, Mission BC
In Attendance: Nicole Kokoska (Acting President / Box VP), Naomi Hughlett (Secretary), Carrie Dunnett(Treasurer), Stu Taylor (Director), Shannon Miendl (Director), Danielle Leifsson (Director), Jason Lindh (Director), Ryan Smith (Equipment Manager), Amanda Wunderlick (Social Media), Brittany Mann (Fundraising), Nichole Lindh (Fundraising)
1. Call to Order @ 7:36 PM
2. Adoption of Minutes:
1st – ST / 2nd – JL / AIF? – passed
3. Adoption of Agenda:
Added to agenda – U5 (JL)
Adoption of new agenda:
1st – JL / 2nd – CD / AIF? – passed
4. Correspondence:
Letter from U12 Female coach asking if executive would consider a partial sponsorship for new player.
MOTION – That MMLC offer complete sponsorship for this new players 2021/2022 Field Registration Fees. – CD
1st – ST / 2nd – SM/ AIF? – passed
5. Reports:
a) President
President’s report:
1. August 24, first declarations.
2. August 31, first releases.
All the releases received prior to the Sept 12th deadline have been processed and placement emails have been sent. Any releases received by PCFL from this point on will be reviewed on a first come, first serve basis.
3.BCLA Spirit award: waiting for input from a couple of exec members….
3. PCFL trial of changes to tiers:
In the Operating Policy, there is an existing policy that Women's Lacrosse is to be considered the equivalent of Tier 3. The executive would like to propose a two-year pilot program of tiering at U12W and U15W so that we don't have to make another exception next year. The PCFLL executive views tiering in the Women's Field Lacrosse as a desirable state with several benefits to all players.
There is reasonable belief by the PCFLL executive that players and families involved at certain Women's playing levels also desire an environment where players with like skills play against each other.
PCFLL Women's Lacrosse wishes to facilitate a two season pilot project of formal tiering in certain Women's divisions to facilitate like-for-like skill play.
The goal of the pilot project is to gather data and feedback from players and families on the continued desirability of tiering at the respective player age-groups, to increase competitive lacrosse and scouting opportunities for young women, to increase enrollment across existing clubs, to encourage existing Youth clubs without a women's program to institute one, and to increase coaching opportunities among other benefits.
Current PCFLL Policy (Schedule 1 Section AA) states that "Girls will be looked upon as Tier 3 house league", as such, a policy exception is required to facilitate tiering during this proposed pilot project.
I will begin with the rationale for the motion:
For the 2021-22 and 2022-23 playing seasons, a pilot project of tiering U12 and U15 be instigated by the league. Clubs will declare teams at each of the following divisions:
U12 Tier 1, also known as "Competitive"
U12 Tier 2, also known as "Recreational"
U15 Tier 1, also known as "Competitive"
U15 Tier 2, also known as "Recreational"
The above tiering divisions will not prohibit adjustment of the tiers or reverting to balanced divisions (any one division or all divisions) if so desired by the League membership in the form of a motion and simple majority vote by the Club representatives and League Executive.
As there are no specific tiering rules for Women's Lacrosse outlined in the PCFLL Operating Policy, all tiering will follow the normal declaration outlined in the relevant Youth sections of the current Operating Policy, the BCLA Field Directorate Policy, or the BCLA General Operating Policy, whichever applies, unless discussed and a vote passed by a simple majority of Club representatives and the League Executive. For the purposes of this motion, the following PCFLL Youth Tiering rules shall not apply to this pilot program:
Youth Section E.02. For the duration of the pilot period, a club may declare two teams at either Tier 1 or Tier 2 however, these teams must be balanced, and clubs must declare if the teams are to be balanced or unbalanced; and
Youth Section F.01. The playing season will be determined by the PCFLL Executive in consultation with Women's clubs.
For clarity, players may be called up from a Tier 2 Recreational Team to a club's Tier 1 Competitive team as set out in the call-up section R.04 of the PCFLL Operating Policy and all relevant BCLA Operating Policies regarding calling up for provincials’ eligibility etc.
End Motion
b) V President Box
c) V President Field
Position vacant
d) Head Coach
All teams have coaches, and coaches that need it are registered for clinics.
Acting President to have a conversation with one of our coaches regarding conduct and the appropriate way to express their concerns.
Tej Grewal has volunteered to come on as our head coach or Technical Director for Field and would like to run some coaching clinics for all coaches during his Thursday night practices at Field #6.
Kyle Mooney is considering taking on this same role, but for Box. He would like the opportunity to discuss with the Executive after the AGM.
MOTION – to create an appointed position of Technical Director of Field Lacrosse and appoint Tej Grewal into that position. – JH
1st – CD / 2nd – ST / AIF? – passed
e) Equipment Manager
Shorts, Jerseys and Equipment handed out to all teams.
Shorts fit quite large for both female and Co-ed so we will have to order more. Will compose an email to send out to managers to let their teams know that they need to let us know by a specified date that they need a different size so we can place an order. (approx. 2.5-3 weeks turn around)
Next year we are likely to need an additional set of jerseys for U5, U13 and U18
MOTION – to allow equipment manager to spend approx. $1100 to purchase the remaining gear needed for teams this season. – ST
1st – SM / 2nd – NH / AIF?- passed
MOTION – to allow equipment manager to spend up to $500 to purchase a set of football pants for goalies on five teams. - CD
1st- ST / 2nd -NK / AIF? – passed
We really need to relook at getting a storage bin for Field #6. Once we have a bin we can look at purchasing some new nets. NK to follow up with the district regarding approval.
We would like to start thinking about replacing Box jerseys soon. Preferably all at once, for all teams. Let’s start brainstorming about design and bring our ideas to the table next month.
MOTION – to set a $500 Discretionary Budget for the equipment manager to make purchases for the club. – CD
1st – ST / 2nd – SM / AIF? -passed
f) Head Ref
Position Vacant
g) Ref scheduler
Not in attendance
h) Floor Allocator
Working on securing some more ATF time for our U5 team
This will be their last year, so we need to actively start training somebody to take over next year.
i) Treasurer
Finishing up year end and preparing report for AGM
j) Registrar
3 new U11
1 new U9
1 new U5
2 U7 waitlisted. – We will apply for oversized team and open registration for 24hours to allow these two players to register.
k) Social Media Head
To be posted to website:
Information regarding CoVId restrictions in place at Mission Leisure Centre for AGM
Add Photo Day to calendar – October 20
Add Family Fun night to calendar (once confirmed)
Communicable Disease Plan for Field
l) Fundraising Team
Getting ready for Family fun night
Want to do another fundraiser maybe closer to Christmas to use the fundraising fees from registrations.
6. Questions:
7. Old Business:
a. Field Tournament
Have not had any confirmed registrations.
Now we need to come up with an alternate plan once we can confirm with the District what field times can still be used.
Ideas – Family Fun Night still a go… arrange a schedule to showcase all our teams in exhibition games…. Try to get as many out there on the field as possible.
b. AGM update – NH
JH to organize ballots for voting
ST and BM to man the door and sign in sheet
NK to chair the meeting and Secretary to be the co-runner
Another reminder to be emailed out and posted to social media by the end of this month.
8. New Business:
a. Nets for grass Field – CD
Covered during equipment manager report
b. Photo Day – NH
NK has booked it for us Oct 20,2021.
We will post on the website calendar
We need to let the managers know.
c. Procedure – ST
Just a reminder that items that require voting must be addressed within a meeting by the voting members.
d. Managers -NH
Now that we no longer have the position of Head Manager, we still need to ensure that our managers are supported and have all the resources needed.
NK will put together managers books and a manager meeting will be held asap.
e. Coaches jackets – SM
Pricing them out. Will report back to us with options asap
f. Female shorts -NH
Covered during equipment manager report
9. Next meeting: AGM October 7th @ 6:00pm
Monthly Meeting October 21st @ 7:00pm
10. Adjournment @ 10:27pm