Meeting Minutes – August 2021
Thursday August 19th,2021
7:00 pm at Mission Chamber of Commerce 34033 Lougheed Hwy, Mission BC
In attendance: Nicole Kokoska (Acting President, Box VP), Naomi Hughlett (Secretary), Shannon Meindl (Director), Dee Lieffson (Director, Floor/Field Allocator), Jason Lindh (Director), Stu Taylor (Director), Nichole Lindh (Fundraising)
Regrets: Carrie Dunnett (Treasurer), Jamie Hooper (Director/Registrar), Ryan Smith (Equipment Manager), Amanda Wunderlick (Social Media), Vicky Flury (Ref Allocator)
1. Call to Order: 7:05 pm
2. Adoption of Minutes
-one change to be made in Equipment manager report for minutes of July 2021 meeting: Currently reads “Jersey ordering – just waiting on NK to submit form for approval”
Motion to amend and have it read “ Jersey ordering – just waiting for approval” (there was no form to submit”
1st – NH / 2nd- SM/ AIF? - passed
3. Adoption of Agenda
1st – NK / 2nd – DL / AIF? - passed
4. Correspondence:
5. Reports:
a) President
PCFL Meeting via zoom, July 13
Tournament applications: who is interested in hosting? Hosting Provincials?
Any field times to report to secretary?
Names of commissioners to support 2021/22 season.
(July 10) Pictures of current uniforms and new examples forwarded through email to PCFL for
permission on July 13 meeting. PCFL membership agreed with changes, permission granted.
Arena users AGM: July 20
Icing dates, August 2021.
MMHA has submitted for provincials next March. D of M has stated that the last 2 days of the 4
day tournament will be played solely on the south to start the meting process in the north
arena in preparation for our lacrosse start first Monday in April.
Announcement of Rachel Kleindeinst’s replacement, Danica Stene.
PCFL Meeting: August 10
Meeting to update league on upcoming season.
-First Aid & concussion training: 1 trained person on the field at all games. This can mean, coach
has concussion training, manager or assistant coach on opposing team has current first aid
training. This will have to be something the managers will have to talk to each other about, pre-
game. This was implemented 2 years ago by BCLA.
-Needing U19G commissioner. This person cannot be a family member of a player or coach in
that division.
-Referee and Umpire clinics starting at the end of the month. Referee and Umpire fees may
increase due to costs. Old schedule still on the PCFL website needs to be removed.
Jody has resigned so all clubs are to remember his replacement may not be as forgiving as he
-Female approved stick list update:
-Tournaments already approved for hosting:
Big Al’s 7v7, September 25-26 in Coquitlam. Women’s only.
Mudbowl. U15 Youth, tier 1 &2.September 24, 25, 26 in Mission.
Waiting approval:
Chilliwack wants to host a U5 jamboree. No date supplied.
U9 Jamboree, September 12 by Burnaby Devils.
Thunderstruck tournament, Langley October 8, 9, 10, Youth divisions U11 and up. Women’s
U12, U15.
Youth U11, 13, 15, 18 in November (Long weekend 12-14) in Richmond
Upcoming Deadlines:
Soft declarations August 24. Released back to clubs on 26.
LTAD Townhall meeting
First set of releases in to PCFL by August 29.
Final releases in by September 12
Final Blackout dates and
Formal declarations at the September 7 meeting.
-Key on bin at Sports park: Changed by D of M as they didn’t have a key. We are now on a sign
out basis with keys. I have 6 in my possession. I am to write down each person that gets one.
Obviously, Ryan is 1.
b) V President Box
c) V President Field – position vacant
d) Head Coach Box- position vacant
e) Equipment Manager
Not in attendance, no report sent
f) Head Ref
Not in attendance
g) Ref scheduler
Not in attendance
h) Floor Allocator
Not much to report.
- Blackout dates for football may conflict with female teams home games. We will need to look at either lining the grass fields and using them, or having some of the games scheduled as away games during those dates.
i) Treasurer
Not in attendance, nothing to report at this time.
j) Registrar
Total: 128
U5: 12
U7: 20
U9: 16
U11: 31
U13: 9
U15: 12
U18: 5
U8: 7
U12: 9
U15: 4
U19: 3
Abbotsford has been keeping in touch with me and our numbers as they would like to get our U18s. They may ask to send us some kids from the other ages... seems like they may only be able to field 2 teams (U18 and U13).
k) Head Manager – position Vacant
l) Social Media Head
Not in attendance
m) Fundraising Team
Working on concession, 50/50, and raffle for Tournament
Discussion on having pub night this season, depending on finding a venue as well as current PHO restrictions at the time
6. Questions: NONE
7. Old Business:
a. Field Tournament – DL
Family night happening on the Friday Night, sponsored by JBS (NH and SM are in charge of this nights activities, food, swag, etc)
Fundraising team (BM and NL) will be heading up concession (including Krispy Kreme sales), 50/50 and raffles for tournament.
ST to follow up with Polygon regarding sponsorship
Decision to lower tournament fees to $550/team
SM will be preordering swag to have for sale at a big swag table
MOTION – to offer one free field registration for 2022 field season as a raffle prize at the tournament – DL
1st – ST / 2nd – JL / AIF? – passed
b. AGM update – NH
-We have confirmed that we have booked the room at the Leisure Centre for our meeting
-Secretary to send out updated reminder of the AGM at the beginning of September including general job descriptions of all positions that are up, location of meeting, and clarification regarding the $10 fee for non- members that wish to vote.
c. Opening Ceremony – CD/RS
Still being planned and worked on
8. New Business:
a. Evaluations – NH
Tej and Imat have agreed to help out with U11 evaluations (this is most likely the only age group that will need them)
b. Scheduling – NH
Discussion regarding weather or not having a live schedule on our website was possible, have we done this before, did it work etc.
It has been done in some form before, but is highly dependent on having somebody who is available at all times to be updating etc as schedules change frequently and if it is not updating would result in incorrect information being left on there and may just lead to further confusion rather than helping.
c. Drop in Development October-Christmas Break w/Tej & Imat 5$ or 10$ drop in fee 1 hour per week. Field or Turf. – SM
Field Allocator will have to see where we can fit it into the schedule and confirm at our September meeting once we have a better idea of numbers, teams, field times etc
d. Apparel store dates – SM
1st store to be open mid September
2nd store (Christmas store) to be open end of October as orders need to be in by Nov 6th to ensure arrival of items BEFORE Christmas
Some new exciting apparel options to be offered!
e. Coach’s applications submitted so far – SM
Applications are coming in, there is still a need for more coaches in some divisions. Mainly in divisions where we will likely have multiple teams (U11,U9, U7) as well as for our female divisions (U8, U12, U15)
A reminder that we have a system for a reason, and coaches need to apply (both Head coaches as well as assistant coaches). They cannot just show up at the beginning of the season and assume that they will be able to coach. This helps us as an association ensure that all teams and coaches are supported before the season start.
f. Mascot costume – SM
Motion – that the first $800 raised selling Krispy Kreme at the tournament be used to pay for the Mud Dawg mascot costume – ST
Ammended Motion – that the first $800 raised at the tournament be used to pay for the Mud Dawg mascot costume – JL
1st – NH / 2nd – SM / AIF? - passed
g. Head Manager Position – NH/SM
Discussion and decision made to eliminate this position at this time and re-assess as our club grows or needs change in the future.
NH to have our social media person remove the position from our website.
h. Female/Coed Registration discount – NH
Spoke with our treasurer and after looking at the numbers we can offer early bird pricing, less $30 (fundraising), less $50(insurance) for players who register for dual teams. (ie playing both female and coed)
U8 - $120 / U12 - $130/ U15 -$140
MOTION – to offer a “dual team discount” for player registration on a second team of U8- $120 / U12 - $130 / U15 - $140 – NH
1st – SM / 2nd – DL / AIF? (ST abstained from voting due to conflict of interest) - passed
i. Social Media accounts – SM (on behalf of AW)
Discussion regarding how we are handling our different social media groups, should we be using them as more of a “parents group” and then just using our page to put out information?
We would like to trial having one person for our social media platforms only (posting daily FB, IG, Twitter, TIK TOK etc), and a separate person ensuring our website is updated regularly.
j. U5 end date – SM
Should we have an earlier end date?
We will let parents/coaches decide early December if they want to continue on as a team into Jan/Feb.
9. Next meeting: September 16th, 2021 @ 7:00pm at the Mission Chamber of Commerce
10. Adjournment @ 9:05