MMLC AGM Minutes 2020
Tuesday September 29th 2020
6:00pm at Zoom
In attendance: Jeff A (President), Nicole N (VP- Box), Owen Munro (VP), Carrie (Treasurer), Dee L (director), Jamie H(Director), Ryan and Melissa Crapo, Alysia Smith, Jason Lindht, Shannon Meindl, Amanda Wunderlick, Stu Taylor, Jason and Naomi Hughlett, Rachel Roberts, Lisa Pryce, Brittany Mann, Damian Lund (Director)
Regrets: Tod Olson
1. Call to Order: called to order at 6:05pm
2. Adoption of Minutes: SB & LP – passed at 6:07pm
a. VP Box- Jeff Self vacated the position for one year remaining of the two year term. Nicole covered the position- passed
3. Adoption of Agenda: NK DL AS – passed at 6:08pm
4. Correspondence: None
5. Executive Reports
A- President
a Growing numbers in the younger division
b No box season due to COVID
c Field season numbers is higher than expected
d Need goalie equipment and jersey.
B- Vice president (Box)
a Same as president
b Fundraisers planned
c Supported the Health and Safety Plan
C- Treasurers-financials
a No box season – still have gaming grant. Given additional 12 months to spend.
a. Well budgeted and weren’t in the red last year with $500.00 in the bank for Field.
b. Money in the account gaming has 33697.67… 10197.67 carry over from the box gaming funds….
b. No season this year due to box (carry over 12,000)
c. 100% refund back to families
i. Refunded over 16,565 in fees
d. Still have money in the bank
i. Fundraising money still in the bank.
ii. People have kept money in the account to roll over to not have to pay an increase in fees.
e. Registrar
f. New business
a. Lid on the box
i. Need to appear as a delegation
ii. Need to obtain funding
iii. May need to be a multi-sport development
b. By-laws
i. 1st round passed
ii. Need to restart this
1. Elections
a. Vice President Box
Nominations: Owen (decline), Stu (declined), Shelley (declined), Damian (decline), Shanda (decline), Jason (decline), Jaime (decline), Ryan (decline), Jason Lindht (decline)
Nomination: Nicole K accepted; won by acclamation
iii. Vice President Field- 1-year term
Nominations: Shelley B (Jason L)
Shelley won
b. Secretary
Nominations Shanda (Carrie), Jaime (Stu) and Naomi (Shannon)
Won Naomi H
c. 3 Director Positions
Nominations Jamie Hooper (Carrie), Jason Lindht (Jaime Amanda), Jason Hughlett (Amanda), Lisa Pryce (Shelley), Shannon (Amanda), Stu Taylor (Dee)
1. #1 Directorship- won Jason Lindht
2. #2 Directorship- won Stu Taylor
3. #3 Directorship- won Shannon Meindl
4th Director Positions due to Shelley accepting VP for Field:
Nominations: Jaime (Carrie) Shanda (Shannon), Amanda (Brittany M)
Won: Jamie Hooper
Next Meeting: September 2021