Meeting Minutes - September 2022
Thursday September 22nd, 2022 6:30pm
At the Mission Chamber of Commerce
34033 Lougheed Hwy, Mission BC
In attendance: Danielle Leiffson, Jamie Hooper, Ryder Bremner, Jason Lindh, Ryan Smith, Stu Taylor, Rachel Roberts, Nicole Kokoska, Carrie Dunnett, Katie McGuire, Tej Grewal (arrived late)
1. Call to Order: @ 6:35pm
2. Adoption of Minutes: RB/JL
3. Adoption of Agenda: JL/ST
4. Correspondence:
From U12 parent – Request to move player to the other team. At this time no movement will be made. At the coed tiering break we are going to re-evaluate at that time and movement could be made between teams at that time if needed.
U12 Team 2 Practice time moved to Monday 7-8pm
5. Reports:
a) President
Not in attendance. No report sent
b) V President Box
• Next meeting is on September 27. Policy changes will be reviewed before the BCLA AGM.
• Minor and Senior Directorate special Sessions are September 22
• BCLA AGM is on October 6. I don't know how we can attend this with our own AGM that same evening.
c) V President Field
U5 – Mike Wright to coach for this team
Missing Head Coach for U12 Team 2 – Carrie D doing it for the in-term
Monitoring Balanced teams
d) Women’s Rep
A meeting last night via zoom was held between myself, Pam Mason, LMMLC secretary, Sandra Margetson LMMLC President, and John Hamilton Female Chair of BCLA to discuss Island travel and getting everyone on board and participating. Several proactive and positive ideas were brought up between us and John will be having the same meeting with the Island female reps to discuss our ideas.There was discussion of including them in regular season play, our island games would therefore count. This could have a better and more true tiering level for these teams.They would have to do 2 trips for mainland play.
• A meeting about the U19 division was had with Stacy, Brad, and all female reps. There was discussion about concentrating this group into larger zones. This gives clubs and players a home. It is exciting as the division was getting smaller, quickly. This has since been passed as per the email that I sent out yesterday.
e) Technical Director Field
- Wants to host coaching clinic, Abbotsford, Mission maybe Chilliwack. Need time
- Discussion around the same for Female Division
- Technical Director as a paid position… $40/hr
MOTION – to pay Technical director $40.00/hr based on 5 hours a week for the duration of the season. Approx 24 weeks to be billed out monthly.-RS 2nd-JH
f) Technical Director Box
Not in attendance, no report sent
g) Equipment Manager
JBS is going to touch up nets, JBS sponsor ball bags for field. Shorts here end of the week. Equipment and Jerseys handed out. Looking at sponsoring a camera. Subscription is $1500 US / year
h) Head Ref
No report
i) Ref scheduler
Not in attendance. No report sent
The executive has decided that the person doing this position is required to do an online form for access to umps and refs with Abbotsford and Mission
j) Floor/Field Allocator
Abbotsford required to give 2 weeks notice to return time.. They pay for their grass time as well.
Field 6 lined for co-ed teams. Lights waiting for part have to turn on and off manually.
k) Treasurer
No report
JH needs cheque for refs and snacks for U5
l) Registrar
259 Total Registered
189 Mission
U5- Jamboree and U5 games to be had during the season. Jamie taking the lead on this
m) Coaching Coordinator
Mike Owens to assist U15 female team
n) Director of Communications
Welcome packages to be revamped to include Abbotsford fields and sent out.
MOTION – to transfer all communication passwords, social media responsibilities and website to the Director of Communication. – 2nd JL
AIF? – passed
o) Fundraising Team
Not in attendance. Will address after AGM
p) MMLC/VA Partnership Committee
No report
6. Questions:
7. Old Business:
8. New Business:
a. Photos
b. Jersey Sales – RS
MOTION – to sell old MudDawgs/Sasquatch gear at $10 a piece- RS 2nd-NK
AIF? – passed
c. AGM
Tabled until after AGM
Looking into order of approval of minutes and posting of minutes
d. Scholarships from Box -DL
MOTION – to send all scholarship application and applicants with names redacted to Karen the president of Valley Lacrosse association for her input as she is a neutral party. – DL 2nd-JL
AIF? – passed
e. Socks – RS
MOTION – to send out an email saying that an error was made regarding socks.- RS 2nd-JH
AIF – passed
RR will draft email and send it out.
f. Score Clock Remote – RS
District could not find remote. Deposit has not been returned. Use that deposit.
MOTION – That the score clock remote is to be kept at RS place for the season. – RS 2nd-NK
AIF? – passed
g. Team Fundraising – DL
Team fundraising vs club fundraising… changes to operating manual to make guidelines around fundraising.
Ryan to create a proposal for operating manual
All fundraisers need to be submitted to a designated director for approval to prevent overlapping team fundraising and conflict with the club fundraisers… to be addressed at next monthly meeting.
h. Abby ATF – DL
Addressed in Field Allocator Report
9. Next meeting: Oct 6th @ 6:30 Mission Leisure Centre (AGM)
Oct 18th @ 6:30 Mission Chamber of Commerce (Monthly Meeting)
10. Adjournment @ 9:22pm