Meeting Minutes - August 2022

Thursday August 18th,2022 6:30pm

At the Mission Chamber of Commerce

34033 Lougheed Hwy, Mission BC


In attendance :             Jason Hughlett (President), ) Jason Lindh (Field VP) Nicole Kokoska (Box VP),  Shannon Meindl (Director), Naomi Hughlett (Secretary), Ryder Bremner (Director/Head Ref- Field),  Stu Taylor (Director), Katie McGuire (Coaching Coordinator),  Tej Grewal (Technical Director – Field) Vicky Flury (Ref Allocator), Matt lurry – (Member)

Regrets:                        Carrie Dunnett (Treasurer, Ryan Smith (Director/Equipment Manager), Jamie Hooper(Director/Registrar),  Kyle Mooney (Technical Director – Box) , Rachel Roberts(Director/ Director of Communication), Danielle  Leifsson (Director/Field Allocator), , Amanda Wunderlick (Social Media), Britanny Mann (Director/Fundraising), Damian Lund (Head Ref – Box)


1.     Call to Order @ 6:30pm

2.     Adoption of Minutes: 1st-ST/2nd- JL / passed

3.     Adoption of Agenda:

MOTION to move agenda item New Business “J” up to “B” – ST / 2nd- JL/ passed

MOTION to discuss reports at the end of the agenda – JH / 2nd-SM / passed

Adoption of updated Agenda: 1st-JL/ 2nd-ST/ passed

4.     Correspondence: NONE

5.     Reports:

a)     President

Most of us are enjoying our summer after a very busy box season. Registration has been in full swing. 

Because of the late registration, many of the peer associations to MMLC are behind where they are typically with registration. At the recent PCFLL meeting the season schedule was pushed back one week, 

There was only one meeting this month with the PCFLL. The topics were on requests the upcoming field directorate re: 2-pass rule and field sizes for u-12 and age grouping for younger women players between 8–10-year-old. 

Lastly, the field season is starting up soon with the rust offs and evaluations around the corner. 


b)     V President Box

Box Season recap

·       Female: LMMLC will be better prepared for the 2023 season. While attending Junior provincials in Coquitlam, I had a conversation with John Hamilton, BCLA Female Chair. We agreed that the Island schedule will be posted preseason to not interfere with mainland tournaments and all teams that are scheduled WILL attend. There will be no refusals or the fines of pre-Covid will be levied.

·       The regular season schedule went well once it got going. This is not to say there were no glitches or blips, but hopefully these mishaps with scheduling and communication at LMMLC, will be rectified.  There were some exciting games to watch, especially those in playdowns and provincials.. There are concerns that our C teams have better success getting to Provies, perhaps next season the A2 teams declare at B level.Coaches need to be reminded of the need for reporting to LMMLC of teams that are improperly declared. For instance, an island team is declared as B but is clearly not, this way there teams can be bumped to their best suited level.


·       There were many complaints and reports of poor spectator and bench staff behavior. We as a governing body must make it a priority to stop referee abuse. Parents and players need to be reminded of the contracts they signed at the beginning of the season. 

Field User's Meeting

·       June 21, I attended the user meeting with D of M, Soccer, Baseball, and Football. The new scheduler, Jennifer,was present, as was Rachel and Jason..

·       The new caretakers' names are Andrew and Mona Watson.

·       Wren Street repairs were supposed to have a September completion. This has now been pushed back to mid fall. The Israel Street detour will have to be communicated by the managers to visiting teams.

·       Sign at the ATF is basically approved. It must be made of Galvalum in order to survive the weather. It was suggested we have one sign with all users on it. In my opinion, baseball’s sign should be at the baseball field. Atf users at the ATF. We can submit our sign design and our plans for hanging it.

·       I had asked for Wednesday and Friday evenings for ATF time. Rachel had agreed as soccer never used the time they had booked on Fridays.At the meeting the requests were: Soccer- Monday, Saturday and Sunday. Football- Tuesday and Thursday. 

·       Storage at the grass fields was brought up. They do not want large storage boxes there. I had suggested that one dug out could be used to lock our fold up nets in. Rachel and Jason like this idea. For now, we would lock them to the chainlink until the D of M decides to close in one dugout.

·       There was discussion of a second ATF field being built. Mission owns property in Cedar Valley.

·       Roof over existing box was in the capital budget for next year.


Meeting with Mayor Horn.

·       Justin Bond invited me to a meeting with Paul Horn and a member of the  planning department. I learned of a new approach to the fulfillment of our dream outdoor box. As per Paul’s suggestion, I am researching the path we would take to start a foundation. This will give us the ability to receive donations and use them to contribute to the project. We are most likely to have our project chosen if we come to the table with some skin.

Tasks completed for next season

·       Floor time request for “Try Lacrosse” nights 2023 submitted to the District of Mission via our floor Allocator.

·       Floor requests will be made through Ag Rec once these are available.I am also looking at renting an industrial warehouse in Mission.


c)      V President Field

No report given

d)     Women’s Rep

No report given

e)     Technical Director Field

No report given

f)      Technical Director Box

Not in attendance – no report submitted

g)     Equipment Manager

Not in attendance – report submitted electronically via secretary

I only need to know a couple of things:

1)     How many girls teams and which divisions to order jerseys for? And are we ordering for U5 too?

2)     What the equipment budget is so I can order the NOCSAE approved goalie chest protectors. And how many teams and what divisions to order for.

h)     Head Ref

5 returning refs this season and 1 new ref

5 new umps for womens

-        Angie is willing to help support us with training and mentoring of new umps

Hoping to have clinics in Ridge and Langley this fall

i)      Ref scheduler

No report given

j)      Floor/Field Allocator

Not in attendance – no report submitted

k)     Treasurer

Not in attendance. Report submitted electronically via Secretary

The spreadsheet is uploaded with he box finals for the year.  There might be one adjustment if I get any last minute invoices but I think we are good.  Once everyone had had a chance to look at it you can email me with any questions as I am away.  There is approx. $13000 in the account of which this is fundraising fees from the last few seasons.  This is a combined amount from field and box.  Some of this is allocated to female field jerseys.

MOTION – to use $4000 of this to do some special things at our family fun night in September -CD

1st – JL / 2nd- JH / AIF? -passed

I would also like to suggest that family fun night be inclusive of the box families and that each family will all receive something that night for their “fee”  What that looks like right now, I don’t know.

We will have less than a mnth to put this together so we need to start right aways with this.

Ryan asked what the budget was for this year’s equipment fund and that is $5000

l)      Registrar

Not in attendance. Report sent via Box VP

Total                 123          

U5                     5

U7                     14

U9                     15            

U11                   15            

U13                   16

U15                   13

U18                   8                                 

U8F                   3

U12F                 21

U15F                 8

U19F                 5               

m)    Coaching Coordinator

U5                     0

U7                     3

U9                     1               

U11                   1               

U13                   2

U15                   1

U18                   3                                 

U8F                   1

U12F                 2

U15F                 3

U19F                 0

Many of the people that have submitted coaching applications so far, have submitted to coach more than one team.  Something that we will need to be mindful of when scheduling practices potentially in two different cities.   


n)     Director of Communications

Not in attendance – no report given

o)     Fundraising Team

Not in attendance – no report given

p)     MMLC/VA Partnership Committee

No meetings since last update.


6.     Questions:

7.     Old Business:

8.     New Business:

a.      Proposal Presentation – MF

Proposal sent to Executive regarding opportunities for paid coaching, technical support for teams.  There were two proposals sent:

1.     Funded by the club

2.     Funded by the teams

Discussion and Questions

IN CAMERA: further discussion and decision to table any decisions until more members of the executive could be present to take part and vote.  We would like to revisit this at our August 30th meeting.

b.     Paid coaching for Women’s teams – JH

Covered in discussion surrounding above proposal

c.      Family Day -JL

Still waiting to hear if we have secured field time either Sept 23 or 24

Discussion regarding weather a Friday or a Saturday would be better.  All in agreement that we would like to book it on a Friday if at all possible. Even if it has to be a different Friday than September 23rd.

JL to form a working group to help support in planning and details

d.     Photos -JL

Would like to aim for Oct 20th (ish) to have photos done.  President and VP to look into it further and finalize details.

e.      Managers – JL/NH

NH is currently working on putting books together and creating the digital shared file for all managers to use.  Still waiting on some information, before we can have this completed.

Field VP is working on a date to set a manager meeting for managers of Mission teams.

We will make enough manager books for all teams and if Valley would like to use them for their team managers, they can.  Or they may already have something in place, which is also fine.

f.      Branded Tent – SM

When speaking with MVP they noted that we have approx. $1000 credit there still.

Extreme has given us a quote of $899 plus tax for a branded tent. (they already have our logo, our correct shade of Kelly green etc)

MOTION: To have MVP cut us a cheque for the outstanding credit and put it towards the purchase of a branded tent. – SM

1st- ST/ 2nd- RB/ AIF?-passed

g.      Try It Sessions – NK

Scheduled at Windebank Field Aug 24th and 31st from 6-8pm

NK will get the sticks from BCLA

h.     Apparel – SM

Team stores set to open soon.  Just working out the details with Valley’s logo etc.

It was decided by the vendor that it would be best to have separate team stores, to keep things cleaner and keep funds raised separate.

Link to both stores will be sent to all families and people can purchase from either/both stores.

2 names put forward for possibly taking over as our new apparel person as SM is moving very soon and needs to pass it on.

Discussion and vote : Sandra Burritt to take over as our new apparel coordinator.

i.       Score Clock Remote – NH

MOTION – to put a deposit down at the Leisure Centre so that we can keep the remote for the duration of the season. – NH

1st -NK / 2nd – RB / AIF? Passed

We will need to decide where to keep it so it is accessible to all managers for home games

j.       Womens lines on Field -JH

Could we maybe line field 6 with womens lines also?

k.      Coaching Clinic – TG

Would like to have a mandatory coaching clinic before season start to help ensure that our coaches are moving together as an association to provide continuity, clarity and smoother transitions  for our players as they grow and develop.

Tej will also develop a PDF with terminology etc that we would like to be using throughout all teams ( would be great to see this posted on our website as well)

Will work with Field VP to set up a date and make this happen.

l.       Date for declaration meeting/coach selection review – JH/JL

Meeting date August 30th @6:30 pm at the  Mission Chamber of Commerce

m.    Evaluation schedule- JH/JL

Evaluations to take place for teams that need it September 7-12


9.     Next meeting: AUGUST 30th @ 6:30 PM at the Mission Chamber of Commerce


10.  Adjournment. @ 9:00pm


Meeting Minutes - September 2022


Meeting Minutes - July 2022