Meeting Minutes - July 2022

Thursday July 21,2022 6:30pm

  At the Mission Chamber of Commerce

34033 Lougheed Hwy, Mission BC

In attendance :             Jason Hughlett (President), ) Jason Lindh (Field VP) Shannon Meindl (Director), Ryan Smith (Director/Equipment Manager), Jamie Hooper(Director/Registrar),  Naomi Hughlett (Secretary), Vicky Flury (Ref Allocator)

Regrets:                        Nicole Kokoska (Box VP), Carrie Dunnett (Treasurer, Kyle Mooney (Technical Director – Box) , Rachel Roberts(Director/ Director of Communication), Danielle  Leifsson (Director/Field Allocator), Ryder Bremner (Director/Head Ref- Field),  Stu Taylor (Director), Katie McGuire (Coaching Coordinator),  Tej Grewal (Technical Director – Field), Amanda Wunderlick (Social Media), Britanny Mann (Director/Fundraising), Damian Lund (Head Ref – Box)

1.     Call to Order@ 6:36

2.     Adoption of Minutes – RS/JH

3.     Adoption of Agenda – SM/JL

4.     Correspondence - None

5.     Reports:

a)     President

The box season has come to an end with the conclusion of provincial playoffs in the last

weeks. Congratulations to the Mission Sasquatch teams that participated in the playdown

process and those that made it to the provincials. In particular, great job to the U-16 and

co-ed bantam C teams!

A delegation from Mission presented before the district of Mission to ask the council and

mayor for a covered facility. A special thanks to Carrie, Stu and Nicole for their hard work

and terrific presentation.

I did speak and give comment to a local reporter from a newspaper in Abbotsford who

contacted me regarding the turf field issues in Abbotsford and the potential impact that may

have on field lacrosse and the partnership between Abbotsford and Mission lacrosse


There were no LMMLC or PCFLL Meetings in July. There is nothing to report. The PCFLL

president did email to express they were in communication with the BCLA regarding the

delayed registration.

We wish everyone a relaxing summer before the start of field season in the fall.

b)     V President Box

Not in attendance.  No report sent

c)     V President Field

Needs to connect with field allocator regarding season start.  Would like to get us all out there as soon as we are able.

Would like to plan Family Fun Night again for fall.  Last year was a huge success and we would like to build on that.

d)     Women’s Rep

Not in attendance.  No report sent

e)     Technical Director Field

Not in attendance. No report sent

f)      Technical Director Box

Not in attendance. No report sent


g)     Equipment Manager

Organizing an equipment return for next week

Nets still need to be repaired, we have the string to do it, and will look to have it done within the next 2 weeks.

Needs to talk to CD about goalie gear for this season

Needs to order jersey’s ( for the U5’s and for Female teams)

We need to make a decision regarding the use of “Mudawgs” on female uniforms.  As the decision is time sensitive and we do not have enough people present at this meeting for a vote, we will need to send it out via email to the board.

As of now there are no plans from PCFLL to use the ipads for scorekeeping so RS will store them during the off season

h)     Head Ref

Not in attendance.  No report sent

President has spoken with Angie (the head coordinator for umps) regarding some of our needs and concerns and she said she is willing to personally come out and mentor umps here in Mission for us if we have them this season.  She mentioned the idea of booking female games back to back on home game days so that it would make it more worth the time for umps to come out.

Right now we have 1 parent and 1 teen volunteer that would like to take the course.

i)      Ref scheduler

Looking at using some sort of app ( or shared spreadsheet to help everybody be on the same page this season.

j)      Floor/Field Allocator

Not in attendance. No report sent

k)     Treasurer

Not in attendance. Report sent via email.

Year end is not done yet…waiting for two more invoices and some funds to be returned from the season.

l)      Registrar

MMLC                                Valley

Total – 52                           Total - 18

U5 – 1                                U5 - 1

U7- 7                                  U7 - 2

U9 – 9                                U9 - 0

U11 – 5                               U11 - 5

U13 – 6                               U13 - 2

U15 – 1                               U15 - 3

U18 – 3                               U18 - 2

U8 F – 3                              U8 F - 1

U12 F – 12                          U12 F - 2

U15 F – 1                            U15 F - 0

U19 F – 2                            U19 F - 0

m)   Coaching Coordinator

Not in attendance. No report sent

n)     Director of Communications

Not in attendance. No report sent

o)     Fundraising Team

Not in attendance. No report sent



6.     Questions: NONE

7.     Old Business: NONE

8.     New Business:

a.     Family Day – DL

Yes we would like to do it again.  Can we check with the District to see if September 16th and/or 23rdwork?

We would like to do it on a Friday that doesn’t compete with any tournaments, especially female tournaments as we would like to feature a female game at the FFN


b.     Coaching application process – NH/KM

Coaching application form on the site is updated and ready to go.

Valley will be directing any potential coaches from Abbotsford to our site to apply

Coaching selection committee will consist of Field VP, Field Tech Director and one other.  Once they have completed their interviews and reviewed applications, they will bring their recommendations to the board for feedback before finalizing any decisions.


c.      Apparel – SM

SM is willing to stay on for the next few months and train/work with somebody who will take over.

Has been posted to social media that we are looking for volunteers.


9.     Next meeting August 18th @ 6:30pm at the Mission Chamber of Commerce

10.  Adjournment @ 7:45



Meeting Minutes - August 2022


Meeting Minutes - May 2022